Kayley's Blog

Not All Who Wander Are Lost.

Camp Lessons



SWIIISSHHH I fly through the air! I had just finished the Leap of Faith at Tribune Bay. The classes from division 12 and  13 were at camp. The camp that every kid at Brooklyn Elementary is excited for. The camp with the most delicious food that could ever be tasted by the human mouths.
When people were kind to me at camp I felt very motivated to try something new and being kind helped encourage others to challenge themselves. If you were kind to your leader they would let you try more things . I feel like if you can be kind and caring you will build more trust with your leader. One situation that happened in my day group was that someone was unkind when doing the team building activities. That left an affect on that person which made them feel left out of the group. Another situation that happened was that someone was on the rock climbing wall and she felt like they couldn’t go any further but the whole group cheered her on to encourage her to go further.  Guess What! It worked she climbed further and further till she reached the top. Kindness really does help every one feel good about them selves and others.

On most of the climbing activities you needed to remember that all of the equipment was safe and secure. When the pole started to wiggle once you got further up the Leap of Faith you had to remember that it was perfectly safe. One of the hardest parts of all the activities was to remember that it is all in your head. For example: Remembering that you are in a harness, Telling your self that you won’t fall in the water when kayaking and last but not least remembering that your team is there for you when you are scared. Something that helped me was thinking why am I scared (because I am someone who is afraid of heights)Then when I was scared I could think about why they would they send kids to a camp that was unsafe and dangerous? After that it struck my brain! Everything is all in your head.
This is something that I would tell people that are going to camp BE PREPARED I was a bit silly and forgot to see what the weather was like. So I didn’t put on sunscreen. Once we got down to the beach I realized how hot it was. This left me with and issue… I got a really bad sun burn. It was one of those ones that sting to touch. This one has nothing to do with the activities that we did but it is still very important, it’s about sleeping. Bringing an  extra blanket was a really good idea because it doesn’t get a little chilly at night. Also bringing a warm pair of P.J’s was good. Bringing a watch is a GREAT idea. There’s was one person in our cabin with a watch so we hadn’t to keep asking her what time it is. It wouldn’t have been better it all of us had just brought our own watches. It was helpful for when we needed to see what time there wasn’t until breakfast. Over all watches would have been a good thing to pack

I would definitely recommend going to Tribune Bay. Always remember to not be afraid to try new thing .I think that there are some great lessons to learn at camp. Weather you taught your self them, another classmate or someone working at camp they were all very valuable. Do you think that people will remember these lessons from camp until they are adults?

Have a wonderful day,



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